Pajenn:Mordiern - Notennou diwar-benn ar Gelted Koz, 1944.djvu/80

Adlennet eo bet ar bajenn-mañ
notennou diwar-benn ar gelted koz

Bulliot, Les fouilles du mont Beuvray, Autun, 1899 ; A. Blanchet, Les enceintes romaines de la Gaule, 1907 ; Bruce, The Roman Wall, a description of the Mural Barrier of the North of England, eil mouladur, London, 1867 ; Macdonald, The Roman Wall in Scotland, Glasgow, 1911 ; John Ward, The Roman Era in Britain, London, 1911 ; Romano-British Buildings and Earthworks, 1911 ; Mothersole, The Saxon Shore, 1924.
